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Don’t Waste Money on Cleaning Products for Your Glass Bong

    If you’re an experienced bong smoker and you keep your glass bong at top notch crystal cleanliness, it’s possible you find yourself spending twenty to sixty dollars a month on products like Purple Power bong cleaning solutions. These products do work and they might speed up the process a tiny bit, but beyond convenience, you’re really only paying for the packaging.

    The best glass bong cleaning solution can easily be made at home for maybe five dollars per month maximum. All you need is 90{cc74c02cb39afdf5cfd66b58e2e6f90c646f0793fa3fb3df6682becbe34539d4} isopropyl rubbing alcohol and coarse salt, and hot water of course. A bottle of either of these things will cost you maybe twenty dollars total but last you months because you don’t need to use much of it. When you buy that Purple Power or whatever similar product, it is simple to just fill the bong with hot water, add some of the solution, shake … Read more

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The organization of the meals and the importance of BCAAs


In sports, besides eating calories, we need to add calories. These calories, of course, must be chosen and calculated, if our purpose is to carve our harmonious body. Supply and cumulative added calories are very important. Studies show that in proportions of 70{cc74c02cb39afdf5cfd66b58e2e6f90c646f0793fa3fb3df6682becbe34539d4} the diet is responsible for the results of each fitness practitioner or any other sports discipline. But the diet should be varied according to several criteria: gender, age, somatic type.

In this article we will discuss more about how we feed or shape our food program according to gender, namely the diet of a man or a woman.  You will also find some info on best BCAA supplements 2018 – top branched chain amino acids.

A man consumes an average between 2200-2600 kcal per day, and a woman somewhere between 2000-2200 kcal, so it’s clear that a man’s diet does not fit in a woman or … Read more

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How to Drop a Few Pounds Ready for Summer



It’s not many months before we’ll be well into summer time. Whether you just want to look your best in the office or you’re planning to show off your beach body while sunbathing somewhere exotic, dropping a few pounds before you get there feels like the right thing to do.

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Here are some suggestions for how to get rid of the stubborn last few pounds.

Try a Ketogenic Diet

A ketogenic diet is a low-carbohydrate eating plan that gets you off sugar cravings and onto something more stable. The idea with it is to eat only from lean protein sources but dig deep into healthier eating. While healthier fats are sourced in the diet, it’s not a low-fat specific diet because the human body does need a reasonable amount of fat for normal functioning. The lower carbohydrates force your body to burn more fat stores … Read more

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Why Is Kent the Best Vacuum Cleaner Brand in India?

Cleaning the house with a broom and duster is a strenuous task. But, a vacuum cleaner can make the task easier and hassle-free. There are numerous vacuum cleaner brandsavailable, but the most trusted and reliable brand in India is ‘Kent’.

You must be wondering as to why Kent is the best vacuum cleaner brand in India! Well, there are numerous reasons that support this statement, but in this post we would like to list the prominent ones.

  • Kent Uses the Most Advanced Technology

How would you feel if you are spending tons of money and still buying a vacuum cleaner based on traditional technology? Unhappy, right! If you are buying any vacuum cleaner model from Kent, this will never be the case. Kent is famous for using the most advanced technologies in all its vacuum cleaner models. The renownedbrand aims to offer its customers the best and most upgraded … Read more

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10 Marijuana Medical Miracles

Marijuana, when abused, can damage health. But in the right dosage, this one plant can save human lives from various types of diseases. You should know this Pharmaceutical Cannabis. Here are the benefits of marijuana that have been proven by science:

  • Preventing Epilepsy Attack

In 2013, Virginia Commonwealth University researchers found compounds in marijuana could prevent Epilepsy attacks. The study that published in the scientific journal, Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, says Cannabinoids compounds work by binding brain cells responsible for regulating human stimulation and calmness.

  • Relieve Glaucoma

Since more than ten years ago the National Eye Institute in the United States has suggested the use of marijuana to reduce the symptoms of Glaucoma. This disease triggers an enlarged eyeball which then suppresses the eye’s nerves and causes vision impairment. Consuming cannabis by sucking it, according to NEI, can ease the pressure on the eye nerve.

  • Fight Alzheimer’s
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