Don’t Waste Money on Cleaning Products for Your Glass Bong
If you’re an experienced bong smoker and you keep your glass bong at top notch crystal cleanliness, it’s possible you find yourself spending twenty to sixty dollars a month on products like Purple Power bong cleaning solutions. These products do work and they might speed up the process a tiny bit, but beyond convenience, you’re really only paying for the packaging.
The best glass bong cleaning solution can easily be made at home for maybe five dollars per month maximum. All you need is 90{cc74c02cb39afdf5cfd66b58e2e6f90c646f0793fa3fb3df6682becbe34539d4} isopropyl rubbing alcohol and coarse salt, and hot water of course. A bottle of either of these things will cost you maybe twenty dollars total but last you months because you don’t need to use much of it. When you buy that Purple Power or whatever similar product, it is simple to just fill the bong with hot water, add some of the solution, shake … Read more