An Introduction to Cannabis Vaporizers
Vaporizing or “Vaping,” cannabis is exploding in popularity with all types of cannabis users. If you’re new to vaping or to cannabis this article will get you acquainted with the basics.
How Does Vaping Cannabis Work?
The principle behind a vaporizer is simple. It uses heat to extract cannabinoids from cannabis and lets you inhale them. Since it uses temperatures higher than the boiling point of the cannabinoids but lower than the point of combustion, it gives you get the effects of the cannabinoids without the smoke.
The Different Types of Heating in Vaporizers
Not all vaporizers use the same type of heating. In fact, there are three distinct types, each of which is detailed below.
Infrared Heating: This is a rare type of vaporizer which gets its name from its radiant heating source. It works by sending energy into the cannabis in the form of infrared light, raising the … Read more