Lip Injection Dos and Don’ts

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), nearly 30,000 lip procedures are performed each year in the United States, an increase of more than 40 percent since the year 2000. In fact, lip treatments are popular among patients of all ages with lips of varying sizes and shapes. As you prepare to make changes to the fullness and overall appearance of your lips, there are some dos and don’ts you’ll want to keep in mind to ensure that you are as prepared as possible for your preferred procedure.

Do Have an Idea of What You Want

You wouldn’t get your hair cut without giving the stylish some direction, so do the same thing before getting lip injections. During your initial consultation, take some time to discuss details such as how much fullness you want or what cosmetic imperfections you hope to correct. It can be helpful to reference a particular celebrity with the type of lips you desire.

Don’t Expect Dramatic Improvements from One Treatment

In some instances, it may be possible to achieve the desired look after a single treatment. However, if you have a more dramatic change in mind, it’s likely to be done gradually with a series of injections spread out in a way that allows your lips to heal between treatments. Also, don’t always expect to be able to get the same fullness as a certain celebrity you admire. The treatment you have will be based on your unique facial features and lip characteristics.

Do Be Prepared for Slight Discomfort

A numbing agent is usually used during the procedure to minimize discomfort. Even so, there may be some slight lip sensitivity. There may also be swelling; although this can be reduced by immediately applying ice to the treated area and doing so again periodically throughout the remainder to the day.

Don’t Get Lip Injections Immediately Before a Big Event

Because there may be slight bruising and swelling following injections, it’s not a good idea to schedule treatment a day or two before your event. Instead, get your injections a few weeks ahead of time. Doing so will also allow you to reach a point where you get the desired look you want for your lips.

When done correctly, treatments can result in lips that feel and look completely natural. As for results, the lip injections Norfolk VA patients receive typically produces the desired enhancement for approximately 6-9 months if temporary fillers are used. Permanent and semi-permanent fillers can be used to make the results last longer.

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