5 Steps for Cleaning and Sterilizing Dental Equipment
Of course, medical and hospital tools must be properly sterilized to prevent contamination between patients. Dental tools must also be properly sterilized. Within just a few steps, dental instruments can be prepared for sterile use with patients. Sterilization requires careful attention to several steps.

1. Protective Wear
Before getting started, be sure to have the right clothing that protects you from splatters. This may include sterile gloves, scrubs, shoe covers, and even goggles.
2. Thorough Cleaning
As soon as dental procedures are complete, the instruments must be cleaned. Remove any debris with appropriate brushes and gauze pads. You may need to use an approved cleanser. Clean each tool individually. Rinse them thoroughly before preparing them for time in an autoclave.
3. Decontamination
Before tools can be sterilized, they must be thoroughly cleaned and decontaminated. This is best done in an area that has been designated for this process. While moving … Read more