Many people come to Vermont to get away from the hustle and bustle of living in other parts of the country. However, no matter how peaceful the environment, many still succumb to everyday stresses, and experience overwhelming anxiety. Don’t let stress diminish your health or interfere with your enjoyment of life. Here are three simple strategies to keep calm in the Green Mountain State.

1. Talk to Someone
One of the best ways to minimize stress is simply to share what you are feeling with another person. Sometimes just getting things off your chest is all it takes to feel better, so almost any listening ear will do. If you want advice from a professional or simply a fresh perspective, consider psychotherapy Brattleboro, VT.
2. Take a Walk
Use your nervous energy to propel you through a natural area. You don’t have to climb to the top of Killington Peak; a stroll through the Madame Sherri Forest is enough to increase your level of natural endorphins and make you feel happier. Time spent in natural lighting also helps increase your vitamin D levels and stave off seasonal depression.
3. Take Deep Breaths
While negative thoughts in your brain can increase your rate of respiration, the opposite also is true: slow breathing can reduce stress by calming the brain. Focus on taking long, slow breaths with your diaphragm. The good news is that thanks to Vermont’s low levels of traffic congestion and industry pollution, residents enjoy air quality superior to that in other regions of the country.
Don’t let everyday stressors affect your body, your mind, or your quality of life. Instead, take positive action when you feel your heart rate or blood pressure increasing. Just breathe, exercise, and talk to start your journey toward a life free of chronic stress.