Why You Want Your Thyroid Supplements to Be Natural

The thyroid gland is important to your overall health and metabolism as well as your mental health in general. The thyroid gland helps run your metabolism, kind of as if your metabolism is the engine in a car when it turns on. A slower metabolism makes it hard to lose weight also causing fatigue and a general feeling of weakness. Brain fog is a symptom of hypothyroidism because brain fog will make you feel very tired. When your body does not put out enough thyroid hormone you have hypothyroidism, and you have trouble losing weight.
Having a slower metabolism causes a slower heart rate as losing weight has to do with a fluid build-up that happens as a result of the slower heart rate. Hypothyroidism causes feelings like you to have weak muscles, constipation, feeling cold, and can also cause major cognitive problems from brain fog, and symptom is why … Read more