Top 5 amazing benefits of honey
Bee honey is one of the healthiest foods and is recognized for the many benefits it brings to the body. We dedicate a complete article to it and teach you how to distinguish natural honey from that with synthetic ingredients.
More and more people are adopting a healthy lifestyle and choosing to consume honey frequently, according to US-Reviews.
Honey, food, and a remedy used for millennia
Bee honey is a food used by almost everyone for thousands of years. It is a viscous, sweet liquid produced by bees to feed. It was first used in religious rituals, but later it was used in food, cosmetics, and natural medicine.
Annually, over 1.5 million tons of bee honey are produced worldwide (1.78 million tons in 2016), the largest producers being China, Turkey, and the United States. Our country is among the first producers of bee honey in the European Union, with … Read more