General Article

Top 5 amazing benefits of honey

5 Amazing Benefits of Raw Honey. Raw honey not only helps sooth sore… | by  Shia O'Neill | Medium

Bee honey is one of the healthiest foods and is recognized for the many benefits it brings to the body. We dedicate a complete article to it and teach you how to distinguish natural honey from that with synthetic ingredients.

More and more people are adopting a healthy lifestyle and choosing to consume honey frequently, according to US-Reviews.

Honey, food, and a remedy used for millennia

Bee honey is a food used by almost everyone for thousands of years. It is a viscous, sweet liquid produced by bees to feed. It was first used in religious rituals, but later it was used in food, cosmetics, and natural medicine.

Annually, over 1.5 million tons of bee honey are produced worldwide (1.78 million tons in 2016), the largest producers being China, Turkey, and the United States. Our country is among the first producers of bee honey in the European Union, with … Read more

General Article

Where Vegetarians Get Enough Protein Each Day

How to eat enough protein to lose fat and build muscle if vegetarian

Most vegetarians and vegans are not new to this question: “Where do you get your protein?” It’s a daily conversation.

While some vegetarians may reply to this question with studies and facts to justify their protein consumption, others simply reply with, “From plants!”

And truthfully, it’s easier to get plant-based protein than you might think.

Vegetarians risk having a protein deficiency. This is why they must incorporate more plant-based protein into their diet.

Although many Americans are meat lovers and believe that the best sources of protein are from animal counterparts, it’s easy to live solely off of protein from non-meat sources. And tastier too!

A recent Harvard study discovered that people who eat plant-based protein were likely to have more longevity than their meat-eating counterparts, even with unhealthy lifestyle choices like heavy drinking or smoking.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends that Americans consume an average of 50 … Read more

General Article

5 Reasons Why Everyone Should Get a Pedicure

How To Do Pedicure At Home With Natural Ingredients - NDTV Food

Let’s start by deconstructing the long standing belief shared on that pedicure is only for women because it isn’t.

Anyone who is passionate about the health of their feet can take a pedicure. Clean and well-treated feet will always make you feel good and healthy. Gleaning from nail salon reviews, let us examine 5 reasons why everyone should get one.

1.      It reduces your exposure to infections

Moving here and there on foot or having to stick our legs in shoes for long can affect the health of our feet. Not taking regular care of the feet can expose it to certain fungal infections. Regular pedicure not only detects the symptoms that are linked to some infections, but can also limit the exposure of your feet to them.

2.      It helps to keep the skin of your feet moist

When you go for a pedicure, one of the … Read more

Health Tips

Why Nuts Are The Super Snack (2)

Health TipsI might be sharing some heath tip recommendation for womwn in my hubs. My goal is to teach women on health issues and teach ladies learn how to keep bodily and emotionally wholesome.

Depending on the place you reside, it might not be de rigueur to lock doorways. If you’re a lady living alone (or anybody, for that matter), I recommend taking part in it safe and locking up at night time. Even if you do not care in your private safety, locking up at night can defend your financial security- after all, even your renter’s insurance coverage will not cowl you for stolen items in case you didn’t correctly lock up.

Though many of us are involved about private info that reveals up online, it is equally essential to make sure that offline personal data is equally protected. Shred personal documents before placing them out in your recycling, and … Read more

Men's Health

I Read Lot Of Articles About Health Tips. They Are General In Nature Applicable To (14)

Men's HealthHealth tips and remedies are offered on a wide range of health subjects and for categories like Mens Health, Womens Health, Children’s Health, Dental Care, Diabete. For some common illnesses well being tips are usually relevant to all people besides could also be babies. While asking a question we should always present data about age and so on. in order that we get the advice accordingly. A visit to the web page under will give some info about numerous classes and teams which are covered.… Read more