General Article

Understanding Your Insurance Cover

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Health insurance cover is a written agreement between you and the insurance provider. Under your policy, there is a list of medical benefits like drugs, tests, and treatments. The insurance provider agrees to cover services under a payment plan. In your policy, listed are the services not covered under your policy and you will have to pay for those services yourself.

How to know the services covered for under insurance plan

If you already have an insurance plan and you are not certain about the services you are covered for in your policy, then you need to review your insurance and update where necessary. You should also have a chance to draw a comparison with other plans available through the health insurance marketplace which helps its clients shop around and compare health insurance plans. You should look at health anddiet product reviewsfor different plans to know what other … Read more

General Article

Does Refurbished Medical Equipment Work Well?

Image result for Refurbished Medical Equipment

Whether you own a small clinic or are just concerned about the state of the medical equipment in your doctor’s office, it’s reasonable to wonder if used and refurbished medical equipment is as reliable and useful as brand new or slightly used equipment. Keep reading to find out the answer.

What Does Refurbished Mean?

According to, in terms of equipment, something being refurbished implies that it was previously owned. It is possible that the item could have been broken before, but that is not always the case. Whether the item was broken before or not, being refurbished means that the piece of equipment has been restored in such a way that it is like-new. 

What Goes Into Refurbishing Medical Equipment?

What goes into refurbishing something depends on the refurbishing company that is hired. When it comes to medical equipment, reputable refurbishing companies will always adhere to FDA standards. … Read more