Good Health

Solid Advice About Acupuncture That Can Help Anyone

Hasil gambar untuk Acupuncture

You have probably heard about acupuncture, but if you are like many people, you probably have no idea what it entails. Simply put, acupuncture involves sticking needles through the skin in order to achieve some type of health benefit. Although this process may seem weird to you, there are many benefits to this treatment. Continue reading to further educate yourself on the topic of acupuncture.

Since acupuncture is a form of alternative treatment, the cost is not likely to be covered by traditional insurance. Sometimes it only takes one treatment to get symptomatic relief, so the cost is not prohibitive. If several treatments are needed the cost of treatment may become too expensive to continue.

Although needles are involved, acupuncture should not be too painful.

Keep in mind that the needles are generally a lot thinner than those you encounter in your doctor’s office. Therefore, if you are nervous about … Read more

Good Health

Weight Loss Slowed Down? Get Back On Track!

Hasil gambar untuk Weight Loss

One of the biggest mistakes that individuals make when it comes to weight loss is the fact that they think they can maintain their current calorie intake and lose weight. This is absolutely untrue because even more important than exercise is a proper diet. Read this article for more insight.

A good way to lose weight is to reduce the amount of time you rest between sets when you are lifting weights. By reducing the amount of time you rest between sets, you burn more calories and in a way, you’re combining cardio and weights into one workout session.

A well known key to weight loss is to do more exercise.

Aerobic exercise burns calories that you consume. While changes to the diet are effective, embarking on an exercise plan in conjunction, will aid your weight loss effort dramatically. People who exercise regularly are less likely to be heavy.

One … Read more

Good Health

Alternative Solutions for Sciatica Pain

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Sciatica, pain that starts in the lower spine and travels down the pelvis and legs, is a common pain complaint. It is caused by irritation of the sciatic nerve, which can worsen during pregnancy, when sleeping on a low-quality mattress, after sitting for long periods of time, or during periods of inactivity. While a doctor can prescribe different medicines to relieve sciatica pain such as muscle relaxants, pain medication, antidepressants, or steroids, there are several other natural or alternative solutions that often help people manage their pain.

Sciatica Massage

There are several different types of sciatica massage therapies that can help reduce pain by soothing your muscles and releasing pressure on the sciatic nerve. Common massages used include a deep tissue massage, hot stone massage, myofascial release, and neuromuscular massage.


Acupuncture, specifically warming acupuncture, can be an effective way to relieve sciatica pain. This treatment type works by placing … Read more